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Great Barrier Reef

Tour guide 

The Great Barrier Reef is located on the North-Eastern coast of Australia, off the coast of Queensland. Take a look at the map below.

The Great

Barrier Reef


Queensland is the second largest state in Australia. It has a population of over 4 million people. The capital of Queensland is Brisbane and most of the population of Queensland live in or near Brisbane. 



What is a built feature?

The built features of a place or the built environment includes everything that has been built by humans. It is the places humans have built to be able to live, learn and work. The built environment ranges in scale from buildings to parks.

The local people

The Great Barrier Reef is fortunate enough to have never had people living on it because it is out in the ocean. People all along the coast of Queensland do however use the resources that the Reef provides.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who lived along the coast of Queensland relied on the Great Barrier Reef. They used the Reef for their survival including using the plants and animals as food.


The local people who live along the coast of Australia use the Great Barrier Reef for all the amazing things it has to offer. The locals enjoy going scuba diving, snorkelling, swimming in the Reef. Many also enjoy taking a boat out for the day to enjoy the ocean, some of these even have a glass bottom so you can watch all the beautiful sea life swim beneath you. Many tours are on offer for you to swim with dolphins and turtles and visit areas where turtles like to breed, here you can help care for baby turtles. Many people also enjoy taking the scenic helicopter or seaplane rides. These involve getting in a seaplane or helicopter and flying over the Great Barrier Reef to see the Reef from a new perspective.


These activities have resulted in many tourists coming to visit the Great Barrier Reef. The number of people visiting the Reef has been increasing every year. This means humans need to build and create features that will help manage the large amounts of people visiting the Reef.


Luckily the locals care for the Great Barrier Reef and have built these features in a way that will care and protect the environment.


Built Features

The Great Barrier Reef is a beautiful natural environment, for humans to enjoy it there have been items added to make it easier. Continue reading to read more about them.



Boats are needed for humans to get from the main land of Australia all the way out to the Reef.  Regular boats will take tour groups out to the Great Barrier Reef for a range in prices. These prices range from $80.00 to $250.00 a day depending on the size of the boat and what tour they are offering.


Some tours will offer to hire you the equipment while some tours will ask you to bring it. Some tours might take you to more than one area of the Reef to see different animals and plants living in different areas. Some full day tours will also provide food throughout the day.






Cities along the coast of Queensland that can easily travel out to the Great Barrier Reef will have lots of boats coming back and forth. Humans have built boat marinas to keep all the boats in one place. A marina is specifically designed area to anchor large boats to keep them overnight and give people easy access to get on and off the boats.


These marinas make it easy for visitors to arrive at their tour boat as they are all in one spot. It also keeps the coast of Queensland clear of boats as they are all anchored in specific areas. 




When a boat reaches a place it wants to stay it needs to let down an anchor in order for it to stay in this position. Dropping thousands of anchors on a very delicate reef has begun to destroy the reef. Instead of hurting and damaging the reef each time they drop an anchor, humans invented a different system called mooring.


Mooring involves attaching your boat to a floating device in the ocean. This floating device is attached to an anchor that has been placed in a safe area of the Reef such as a large patch of sand. This way the anchors throughout the reef will not constantly move and are in a safe section that will not damage the coral or wildlife.


Take a look at the diagram below for more information 


To visit the Great Barrier Reef you will need to book accommodation along the coast of Queensland. The most appropriate cities to stay include Cairns, Port Douglas, Whitsunday Islands and Lizard Island.


For those only wanting the real basics you are able to get accommodation for only $50 a night in Cairns.


For the people who want something more luxurious you are able to stay in lovely resorts on the beach on the Whitsunday Islands for approximately $750 a night.


Going for the more expensive option will definitely bring you other benefits. These include free breakfast, use of pool, use of equipment such as snorkeling gear and WiFi.

For more fun facts and photos 

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